The Project
This article was previously published in Issue 19, ABSENCE (December 2018). On the 27th May at about 8pm, I stood trembling before my...

Cruising Towards Decline
Venice is loved for its state of historic perfection. The city remains largely unchanged due to its floating urban structure, which is...

Conservation vs. Modernism: The Venetian Vexation
Venice – a city which is inescapably connected to the modern world, but could never truly belong. During the nineteenth century, Venice’s...

Family Pictures: My Parents and ‘GENERATIONS’
GENERATIONS Installation View, Showing: Hurvin Anderson, Is It Okay to be Black? (Image: Carlotta Pierleoni) I think I should start this...

May’s Days are Numbered & Monet Goes for Stacks
To begin with a bit of art news for a change, at Sotheby’s New York this week one of Claude Monet’s series of haystack paintings was sold...

Self-Care, Self-Delusion, Self-Awareness: How well-being became a global concept and what it means
With exams approaching and various deadlines creeping up on us, think back to how many times in the last week you thought of a day off...

Attendees: Please Take Notes on Camp!
When I heard that the theme of this year’s Met Ball was based on Susan Sontag’s 1964 essay ‘Notes on Camp’ I was both excited and...

Defence Secretary Sacked on Eve of Losses for Both Parties at the Polls
This first week back for MPs, my column, and all Courtauld students was shaping up to be a suspiciously peaceful one, that was until the...

Recycling Right: S-1500 by Snøhetta
S-1500 by Snøhetta (Image: snohetta.com) A few weeks ago, I shared some facts about this chair on The Courtauldian’s Instagram page as a...

News of the Notre-Dame fire has deeply shocked people worldwide. Amidst the various reasons for it holding a deep-seated significance for...