Finding Privacy in Carol (2015) in Three Acts and Five Restaurants
Written by Amy Lee  Act 1. From First Date to First Trip: ‘ ...flung out of space. ’  The restaurant booth is interesting in that it...

A Song for Rudolf III, A Prayer for Marta: Music, Television, and Politics during the Prague Spring
In my previous column, I explored the introduction of musical films into the Czech cultural canon. Originating with the invention of the ‘TV

Elias Canetti, The Tongue Set Free: Remembrance of a European Childhood
Written by Nina Follows  An alluringly titled, forty-year-old volume lent to me by a charming stranger at a party, I found myself rather...

Tirzah Garwood: Beyond Ravilious
A Journey Through the Playful Imagination of an Overlooked Artist Written by Madeleine Davies Venturing on through the grey, frosty days...

Fragmented Voices: The Parallel Lives and Artistic Visions of Ketty La Rocca and Pauline Boty
Written by Lorena Orlacchio Figure 1: Pauline Boty in the Junior Common Room at the RCA with John Watson and Alan Cooper of The...

The Candy-Coloured Cynicism of The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
On its face, The Umbrellas of Cherbourg should be the type of classic movie reserved solely for the so-called ‘film buffs.’