The Great Spectacle
Thomas Rowlandson and Augustus Charles Pugin, ‘Exhibition Room, Somerset House,’ 1808. Engraving. (Image: Wikimedia commons) If we want...

Review: SURGE, the 13th East Wing Biennial
Hiroki Ishikawa, Sediment of a Day, 2018. (Image courtesy of EWB) For its thirteenth edition, SURGE, the East Wing Biennial has turned...

The Wallace Collection: An Interview with the 9th Marquess of Hertford
Illustration by Nia Thomas The beloved Wallace Collection boasts a rich and exhilarating heritage, one that is intrinsically linked to...

Giorgio Vasari, The Lives of the Artists, 1568 Edition. We look at objects, write about them, talk about them, consume them. They are the...

‘History’, ‘Unscripted’ Historical Traces and the Fiction of Ownership in the work of Sven Augustijn
The starting-point of critical elaboration is the consciousness of what one really is, and is ‘knowing thyself’ as a product of the...

Brief Encounter at Empire Cinemas Haymarket
After recently experiencing the wonder that is The Flying Lovers of Vitebsk (Kneehigh’s latest show; now on tour), I was very excited to...

Victorian Giants: The Birth of Art Photography at the National Portrait Gallery
The Evening Sun (Iphigenia), c 1860, by Oscar Rejlander The Victorians lived in a world flooded with new optical instruments and...

Chagall, Lissitzky, Malevich: The Russian Avant-Garde in Vitebsk, 1918-1922 at Centre Pompidou
After the success of Kollektsia, which unveiled the donation of more than 250 works from Soviet and contemporary Russia, the Pompidou...

SURGE. A glimpse into the future of the contemporary art scene The Courtauld Institute of Art
Kickstarter Preview Event 26 April 2018, 18.00-21.00, £5 tickets Larry Amponsah, Hunger, Curiosity, & Urgency , Mixed Media Collage &...

Current Affairs 6.04
Unheard tape of Francis Bacon shredding Jasper Johns and Andy Warhol is revealed A tape has been revealed in which Francis Bacon calls...