Under Siege
Yang Liping's vision of the climactic battle between Chu and Han armies. Image courtesy of Sadler's Wells. REVIEW: Yang Liping...
Twenty Years Later, ‘Princess Mononoke’ Is Still My Number One
To my sister Céleste, Last time I watched ‘Princess Mononoke’ on a big screen, I was seven. It was in the independent arts cinema called...
'Lo and Behold' by Werner Herzog
Image: author's own. ‘Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World’, 2016 dir: Werner Herzog The Internet, Documentary Science Fiction,...
Comedy Review: Shoot From The Hip!
Image courtesy of SHOOT FROM THE HIP! There is no better remedy to a long day of work, stress, library procrastination or winter blues...
Review: Revolution - New Art for a New World
Film Review: MARGY KINMONTH’s ‘Revolution: New Art for a New World’ Kustodiev – Demonstration in Uritsky Square (image courtesy of Arts...
‘I, Daniel Blake’, or how to stand up for yourself
Ken Loach’s latest film, ‘I, Daniel Blake’ (2016), brought him his second Palme d’or and is now finally out on the UK screens. Film...
Xavier Dolan, Lost in Translation?
Film review: Juste la Fin du Monde (It’s Only the End of the World) by Xavier Dolan  Today sees the UK premiere of Xavier Dolan’s eagerly aw
Frames of feminism; some thoughts on feminist cinema
Illustration:[if gte vml 1]><o:wrapblock><v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t"...
On 'The Night Manager'
My housemate and I watched the The Night Manager together and had wildly different reactions to it. Here are two responses to BBC’s...
Meg de Milo
In the 1997 movie Hercules, there is an amusing scene (for an art history student at least) in which Hercules skims a rock across a pond,...