Fashion in Film: Iconic Outfits from the Big Screen
Many of us have been spending a great deal of time at home due to our current circumstances. With little prospect of seeing those outside...

A Review of A Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Céline Sciamma’s eighteenth century tale of burning desire seeks to re-centre the female gaze and turn the artist/muse dynamic on its...

Little Women: Is another film adaptation really necessary?
May Alcott, Fronstpiece Illustration from Part 2 of Little Women, (image: Houghton Library, Harvard University) Little Women was first...

The Joker: Film Review
Why the most popular film of the year is more than just another superhero story. The Joker has probably become the most talked about film...

Modern Love: A Declaration of Love in all its Forms
Warning, this is one for the sentimental. For the people who love Nora Ephron, Love Actually and the Metro’s ‘Rush Hour Crush’ column....

Venice: Eat, Pray, Love (But Mainly Eat)
This article was previously published in the special edition, VENICE (July 2019). “I wish Giovanni would kiss me,” is the first line of...

The Music of the Lagoon
This article was previously published in the special edition, VENICE (July 2019). "In every home, someone is playing a musical instrument...

'Don't Look Now': Venice in Film
This article was previously published in the special edition, VENICE (July 2019). ‘Venice is like a city in aspic, wrapped over from a...

Pamela Tudor-Craig
This article was previously published in the special edition, ALUMNAE (December 2018). 1928 - 2017 BA 1949, PhD 1952 When thinking about...

Anne Olivier Bell
This article was previously published in the special edition, ALUMNAE (December 2018). 1916 – 2018 PG Dip 1937 An indomitable figure of...